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Conference.net, conference management application

from | 31 Jul 2006 | Project History

In accordance with the requirements and instructions of the Client, on a Microsoft.NET platform, we have implemented an integrated Conference Management information system, which includes all those possibilities, which are necessary for its complete and legal organization and administration. Specifically, the services it will offer and in general the purpose of the application are the following:

  1. Central management of viewing points / halls.
  2. Automated secretariat (Slide Reception) management and presentation of speakers' presentations.
  3. Predefined way to display the presentation for each speaker on the central projection screen.
    1. Photo of speaker.
    2. Show remaining talk time.
    3. Display at a specified point on the presentation display screen.
    4. Optional display of speaker details on a vertical display screen.
    5. Record speech and mark change of PowerPoint presentation.
  4. Automated projection of speakers' program at other projection points (plasma, TFT screens).
  5. Displaying advertising messages or other promotional content at other viewing points.
  6. CD production with saved conference program and speakers' presentations.


The benefits of adopting this solution were indeed impressive. The productivity of the department that managed the conference materials increased. The control of the projected material and the possibility of displaying it immediately after its projection on the internet excited the audience as well as the speakers themselves. The modernization that was achieved marked the networked and modern management of conferences.

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